Solve your critical business issues with SURFCAM

Even before the introduction of CAM software, machinists have struggled with controlling the cutting environment. Over the years, various methods were developed -- traditionally slowing down the feedrate wherever engagement increases along the toolpath -- but improvements were only incremental. The scientists and innovators at Surfware took a different approach. They discovered a way to manage tool engagement angles to create superior toolpaths.

The result of their research is the award-winning, patented TrueMill technology, which delivers significant decreases in cycle time, greatly increased tool life and a better quality cut. TrueMill is available with SURFCAM 2-Axis, 3-Axis and 4/5-Axis products, making SURFCAM a surpassingly effective choice for any shop’s CAM requirements.

SURFCAM Velocity Powered by TrueMill is used worldwide for mechanical design, surface modeling, reverse engineering, prototyping, mold-making, pattern-making and production machining. Surfware’s extensive user base includes leading manufacturers in the aerospace, defense, automotive, consumer electronics, industrial equipment and medical products industries.

SURFCAM Velocity Powered by TrueMill offers SolidWorks PD&A as an add-on. It also includes a variety of plug-ins to enhance functionality. Surfware offers a superior SURFCAM maintenance program that includes updates and enhancements, tutorials, tech tips, training sessions and tech support.

With SURFCAM Velocity Powered by TrueMill, machining shops and departments achieve continuous, world-class gains in productivity. These gains open the door to greater profitability and an increased ability to compete in a global marketplace.

For more details visit SURFWARE website at

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